Our mission is simply to provide a gathering place, forum, and network to promote lapidary and related arts. The St. Lucie County Rock & Gem Club welcomes members from the counties of Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, Brevard, and beyond.
Our Workshop is located at 6901 Heritage Drive, #1
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952
La Buona Vita Community Clubhouse
8601 S. Federal Highway
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952
Our general membership meetings are held on the fourth Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. However, generally no meetings will be held in July and December when we have other events.
Members range from beginners to highly skilled craft persons that bring a wide variety of experience, skills, and creativity to our classes.
Stay connected and never miss a beat! Click the link below to read our newsletter blog for the latest updates, tips, and insights into the exciting world of rocks, gems, jewelry making, and earth sciences. Learn about upcoming club events and related events in the local area. It’s all just a click away!
The Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc. was organized in 1976 to bring about a closer association of Clubs and Societies devoted to the study of Earth Sciences and the practice of Lapidary Arts and Crafts in the Southeastern part of the United States. The Southeast Federation includes clubs and societies mostly in the region east of the Mississippi River and South of a line following the northern borders of Tennessee and North Carolina. **There are a few clubs outside of this area due to historical affiliation. The Southeast Federation is a member of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.
The Purpose of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies is to promote popular interest and education in the various Earth Sciences, and in particular the subjects of Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Lapidary and other related subjects, and to sponsor and provide means of coordinating the work and efforts of all persons and groups interested therein; to sponsor and encourage the formation and international development of Societies and Regional Federations and by and through such means to strive toward greater international good will and fellowship.
6901 Heritage Drive, #1
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952
La Buona Vita Clubhouse
8601 S Federal Highway
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952