Message from the President
Hello Members and Friends,
It’s the height of art & craft show season in Florida, and several of our members are showing their wares. I’ve listed the ones I know about on Page 8. Please let me know if you are also doing shows, in galleries, or selling other ways so that we can support your creative works.
I just re-read our Club Constitution, and it turns out I have been somewhat derelict in my duties. Did you know that the President is tasked with appointing “volunteers” when no one steps up to the plate for the Club? Please don’t make me do that. We need to fill the following positions:
- Librarian – inventory the title, author/editor, and condition of the books in our Club library. Create a checkout system so we can track who has the books.
- Special Events Coordinator – look for interesting events and places for us to visit. Coordinate the resulting field trips.
- Trailer Czar – Put together a group and inventory all contents of the trailer. Then assist the Show Chair by ensuring that all show-related paraphernalia is isolated and readily available for show set-up.
So – let’s see some new faces sharing the load and taking over some of these tasks, please.
MoiraLynn Mefein
February 23, 2025 Meeting Agenda
St Lucie County Rock & Gem Club BOD & General Meeting
La Buona Vita Club House
8601 S Federal Hwy, Pt. St. Lucie, FL 34952
February 23, 2025, 2:00 p.m.
ZOOM: We expect to have Zoom available for this meeting. The connection data will be provided via email splash by or before Friday, February 21st.
(If you cannot be at the meeting and would like to offer input, please send an email to [email protected] with your comments or suggestions.
Call to Order
Call Roll/Quorum
Minutes Approval – BOD & General Meeting 01-26-2025
Treasurer’s Report (Wendy Mathisen) Including budget updates and vote to authorize 2025 budget
Committee Reports
- 2025 Show (Meri Jo Theobald)
- South Florida Federation Report (Meri Jo Theobald)
- Registrar (Terry Kaye)
- Workshop & Building (Bob Hanson & Scott Turner)
- Membership (Kathy Jenkins) (Member packet and booklet revision status)
- Special Programs (Volunteer Required)
- Newsletter (Moira Lynn Mefein)
- Webmaster (Wendy Mathisen)
- Volunteer Coordinators (Caroline Bishop & Melinda Cunningham)
- Zoom Coordinator (Diane Carroll)
- Policies and Procedures Manual (Kathy Jenkins)
- Skills certification (Joe David)
Old Business
- Insurance
- Suggested in-club training, possibly producing a video that can be posted to our private Facebook page. How to implement?
- YouTube channel status?
- Request for volunteers – and reminder: Constitution requires President to appoint people to fill positions if there are no volunteers!
- Zoom Coordinator
- Librarian
- Field trips and Special Events
- Phone tree?
- Tee shirts
- Holiday party
New Business
- Scheduled board meetings, quarterly.
- Scheduled Workshop Open Houses twice a year – November and April.
- Member-Suggested Topics
January 26, 2025 Minutes

St Lucie County Rock & Gem Club
Meeting Minutes January 26, 2025
La Buona Vita Club, 8601 S Federal Hwy., Port St. Lucie, FL 34952
Combined Executive Board & General Meeting Minutes
Attendance was taken and will be attached to the final minutes.
A quorum having been established, the meeting was called to order by President MoiraLynn Mefein at 2:00 pm.
The president apologized about the lack of a Zoom connection, explaining there had been no information received. Jennifer Wilkes volunteered to be back up Zoom hostess going forward.
Minutes Approval
Corrections to November meeting minutes that estimated costs of repair to roof at $6,000, not $60,000 and septic repair estimated at $8-10,000 not $80-100,000. Scott Turner motioned to accept changes, MeriJo Theobald seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Wendy Mathisen announced December revenue at $5500. Expenses (taxes, stipends, web page design) cost $5106. She also stated that the initial payment for the Annual Show in October 2025 has been paid.
The Treasurer’s report also noted that the budget to be voted on in February include a change in the accountant’s fee (increase) and notification that current insurance will not renew so a new insurance company is being sought.
2025 Show Committee Report
MeriJo is continuing as annual Show Chairman for 2025. She announced the following dates:
- Setup, Friday, October 17
- Show: Saturday and Sunday October 18 and 19
Vendor info is being sent out. September 15 will be the absolute cut-off date for vendor registration, including Club members. Those with show-related questions can find information at [email protected].
Meri Jo specifically requested that we put together a team of volunteers to work together on details of the Show. Additional suggestions include:
- Monthly Zoom meetings with the Show team
- Raffle table set up closer to ticket sales to maximize exposure
- Requesting one item per class to be donated for raffle
- Requesting a donation from each vendor to fund hourly raffles to increase sales
- Requesting local business donations of a gift basket or other type of donation sponsorship to increase awareness and sales
- Tee shirts and other club items for retail sale are actively being looked into
Southeast Federation
Southeast Federation dues have been paid. Their next event, the Rockhound Round-up, is in Live Oak on February 28th. If Club members wish to sell there, the cost of a 10 x 20 space is$50. Vendors must provide their own tables and chairs. They may choose to sell for the entire weekend or for a shorter time.
Registrar Terry Kaye reports we need to fill classes! Each One Reach one! Session 2 begins Monday March 17th, and ends on May 10th. Members are urged to consider holding pop-up classes. They can call Terry for information about available time slots.
Workshop and Building
Bob Hanson and Wendy installed a new toilet in the workshop restroom. They were loudly thanked by members at the meeting.
Lockers have been installed and secured in the front room. We will have a raffle prior to each session, offering lockers, each for $20, to use during the entire class session. Only one person was interested in bidding for a locker for the remainder of Session 1, so there was no need for a raffle. Kathy Jenkins paid $10 for a locker on the second row.
We were reminded that safety is always essential. MoiraLynn reported that a member recently told her of finding chairs blocking the workshop exits and of seeing a bottle of mineral oil left near one of the kilns.
Kathy Jenkins reported that we still have members who have not renewed for 2025. She is contacting former members, and encouraging them to rejoin. Our Volunteer Coordinators will be asked to follow up, as well.
MoiraLynn is continuing as the newsletter editor and invited all members to submit information and photos to be included.
Wendy has previewed the new website, along with all the teachers, They are in agreement that the changes mark a great improvement and should help attract new members, while providing new and improved resources for those who are already active in the Club. The Rock Talk will be on the website, as well as an interactive blog that will showcase our Club!
Volunteer Coordinators
Melinda Cunningham and Carolyn Bishop are continuing in this role. Although the Show is their biggest project, a task list, phone tree list, and members best-communication choice (email, phone, text) list are in the works.
Zoom Coordinator
There was no zoom information available prior to this meeting. MoiraLynn will speak with the current Zoom coordinator, Diane Carroll. Jennifer Wilkes volunteered to be back up Zoom hostess going forward.
Policies and Procedures Document
Kathy Jenkins is reviewing existing documents. MoiraLynn has asked her to coordinate the effort to finalize the document.
Skills Certification
Skill certification and tool/machine checklists are requested from each teacher, specific to their class. We can then cross-reference the information. This should increase both knowledge and safety for students and instructors.
We also have a goal of making QR-coded videos and other training materials that can be added to our web site, making them available to all members.
Old Business
Teacher’s meeting questions were discussed.
- Discount to $99 for 2nd or more classes per session? Kathy Jenkins motioned for all current fees to stay as is, based on the minimal difference. Meri Jo seconded. The No-Change motion passed.
- Full stipend to be paid for one or more students per class? It will remain the teacher’s choice as to whether to hold a class for less than three students. However the motion was made to pay the full stipend, regardless of the number of students. The motion was made by Kathy Jenkins and seconded by Bob Hanson. The motion passed.
- It was noted that all students, including those taking free classes, must pay laboratory and/or consumables fees for any class they attend.
There was some discussion of ways to promote the Club.
New rack card to be designed
- Scott working on internal and external YouTube videos
- Would love ideas and great news to showcase on the New Website Coming soon
- Cocoa Village Merritt Island show March 1st – hand out Club information brochures.
New Business
MoiraLynn shared her goals: visibility to increase show participation, double our membership, sharing newsletter to editors and calendar resources, and recruiting Community Ambassadors for our club.
Christmas Party reservation for December 7 at La Buona Vita has been made. Questions remain over whether we should stay there or consider gathering at a restaurant. An alternative was also suggested: to stay at La Buona Vita, but have the meal catered. We are looking into various options.
We would like to create a “Trailer Czar” position and committee to inventory all contents of the trailer and to identify all stored items that are directly relevant to the annual show. This would make set-up for the show much more efficient.
LauraKay Whitaker-Darvil talked about the Martin County Open Studio Tour, scheduled for March 1st and 2nd. She brought brochures and left additional ones to be taken to the workshop. She also announced the upcoming Women’s Art exhibition at the Bailey Gallery in Hobe Sound, running February 14th till March 28th. She has many items on display and for sale at the gallery.
Wendy Mathisen announced that she was informed that Steve Scales has passed away. She brought a condolence card for members to sign, so that it could be sent to his widow.
We repeated the information that a “Meet and Greet” for new and current members scheduled for Sunday Feb 2 from 2-4 at the Workshop. Tailgating encouraged. Come visit and share!
The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.
Upcoming Art & Craft Shows Worth a Visit
Looking for a fun place to go for a pleasant afternoon, or even a nice weekend? Consider these upcoming art and craft shows. Look these shows up on the internet to obtain additional details. Note: there are many more Florida shows happening this season. This is just a brief sample.
Show | Dates | Information |
24th Annual Downtown Venice Art Festival on West Venice Avenue | March 1, 2 | |
37th Las Olas Art Fair Part II, Ft. Lauderdale, FL | March 1, 2 | |
2nd Ocala Spring Craft Fair, Ocala, FL | March 1, 2 | |
74th Under the Oaks Fine Arts & Crafts Show, Vero Beach, FL | March 7-9 | |
Lower Suwannee Art & Nature Festival, Suwanee, FL | March 8 | |
ArtFest by the Sea at Juno Beach | March 8,9 | ArtFest by the Sea | A Celebration of Art, Food and Community |
Tarpon Springs Fine Arts Festival on the Bayou | March 8, 9 | tarponspringsfineartsfestival.com |
Mount Dora Spring Festival | March 15-16 | |
3rd Annual Downtown Sarasota Fine Art & Craft Fair | March 15-16 | |
23rd Coral Springs Festival of the Arts & Crafts | March 16-17 | |
66th Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival (This show is consistently voted one of the very best in the U.S. Voters include both vendors and attendees.) | March 21-23 | www.wpsaf.org |
28th Downtown Stuart Craft Festival | March 22, 23 | |
12th Uptown Art Expo, Altamonte Springs, FL | March 29, 30 | www.uptownartexpo.com |
Delray Affair, Delray Beach, FL | April 4-6 | Delrayaffair.com |
61st Old Florida Celebration of the Arts, Cedar Key, FL | April 5-6 | |
Port St, Lucie West at Tradition Square Craft Festival (still open for artist applications till April 2nd) | April 5-6 | |
21st St. Pete Beach Corey Area Craft Festival (still open for artist applications till April 9th) | April 12, 13 | |
28th Brownwood Paddock Square Craft Festival, The Villages, FL (still open for artist applications till April 16th) | April 19, 20 | |
Melbourne Art Festival, Wickham Park | April 26, 27 | Melbournearts.org |
St. Johns River Festival of the Arts, Sanford, FL | April 26, 27 |
Discounted Shopping at Rio Grande
Members of our Club are eligible for a discount when shopping at Rio Grande. Treasurer Wendy Mathisen shares the details below and a screenshot of the form.
For those of you who shop at Rio Grande for supplies, the club has a Rio for Schools Instructor Code that can be used by our members to qualify for discounted pricing.
This code is: RFSSLCR.
The code should not be entered as a promo code in the cart. It will not be accepted there. Instead, please go to your Account page and click Profile where you will only have to enter it once in the Instructor Code field. Once entered, click Apply and you will see it displayed above the line where the code was entered. Screenshot attached shows what it should look like once completed.
Also, please note that you won’t see the discount until you begin the checkout process. I just placed an order to test it out and it worked without issue.
Happy Shopping!

Members Currently Selling at Art & Craft Events
February 14th marked the opening of LauraKay Whitaker-Darvel’s exhibition at the Bailey Gallery’s “The Women’s Show” at 11870 SE Dixie Highway in Hobe Sound. This show runs through March 28th. (THE BAILEY ART GALLERY)
LauraKay is also part of the Martin County Open Studio Tour, March 1 and 2 (Martin County Open Studio Art Tour | Martin County). Nineteen artists are opening their private studios to the public for this “drive-around” tour. It’s a chance to get to know their works in a way never before experienced. LauraKay creates beautifully detailed and complex jewelry pieces using silver Precious Metal Clay™. She also handles the art created by her father, whose works often feature sailboats and other maritime visions of Martin County..
Sue Buie will be at the Annual Downtown Delray Beach Craft Festival on February 22 and 23rd. (Annual Downtown Delray Beach Craft Festival | Downtown Delray Beach). Join her again next month on the 22nd and 23rd at the Downtown Stuart Art and Craft Festival. (28th Annual Downtown Stuart Art & Craft Festival | ArtFestival.com) Sue does beautiful work in silver, often casting tiny, fragile components and then integrating them into delicate bracelets and other items. She has a penchant for ocean-based animals, and has produced gorgeous dolphins, sea turtles, and other sea life.
You probably will want to touch base also with Wendy Mathisen and Susan Ivey. I know they are showing and selling, so be sure to find out where they are set up. I believe Denise Baker also has some items in nearby galleries, so check in with her as well. Let’s support our members as they move forward with their artistry.
2025 Calendar of Events
Class Schedule
Session 1 — January 6 to March 1
Session 2 — March 17 to May 10
Session 3 — May 26 to July 19
Session 4 — August 18 to October 11
Session 5 — October 27 to December 20
Meeting Dates
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 27
May 25
June 22
July — No Meeting
August 24
September 28
November 23
December — Holiday Party