Message from the President
Hello, Members and Friends,
Our second session of classes has begun. Our Club is especially lucky to have a good mix of very talented instructors and eager students. It is important to remember that you will be welcome in our classes regardless of your skill level. We are here to share the knowledge and the fun with everyone! Let us help you set your imagination free to explore the many areas of lapidary/jewelry-related ideas. We want our classes to be a happy combination of learning and laughter.
We’ve noticed another happy trend lately – new folks offering to volunteer with the many tasks that come with sustaining an organization like ours. Remember – many tasks don’t require arduous commitments. There are opportunities for short-term helping, such as working on some of our new documents, helping us coordinate one or two field trips, and other ways you can help that won’t tie you down or wear you out.
Got an idea for something helpful that has not been mentioned? Send me an email or give me a call. We always have time to listen to new thoughts and suggestions. Your idea might be exactly what the Club needs, maybe for now or maybe for later – but we will only know if you speak out.
Please remember – everyone’s voice is important….and that includes yours.
MoiraLynn Mefein
March 23, 2025 Meeting Agenda
St Lucie Rock & Gem Club BOD & General Meeting
La Buona Vita Club House
8601 S Federal Hwy Pt. St. Lucie 34952
March 23, 2025, 2:00 p.m.
SLC Rock & Gem Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SLC Rock & Gem Club’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 23, 2025 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 2680 5178
Passcode: 405495
(If you cannot be at the meeting and would like to offer input, please send an email to [email protected] with your comments or suggestions.)
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call/Quorum
PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: We plan to begin this meeting, and those in the future, promptly at 2:00 p.m., with an interesting and informative program. The meeting will continue at 2:30, so stick around for interesting news, refreshments, and our ever-popular raffle.
Program: Mold-making and waxes for casting, presented by member Jack Fisher.
Minutes Approval – BOD & General Meeting 01-26-2025
Treasurer’s Report (Wendy Mathisen)
Committee Reports
- 2025 Show Meri Jo Theobald
- 2. South Florida Federation Report (Meri Jo Theobald)
- 3. Registrar (Terry Kaye)
- 4. Workshop & Building (Bob Hanson & Scott Turner)
- 5. Membership (Kathy Jenkins) (Member packet and booklet revision status)
- 6. Special Programs (Volunteer Required)
- 7. Newsletter (Moira Lynn Mefein)
- 8. Webmaster (Wendy Mathisen)
- 9. Volunteer Coordinators (Caroline Bishop & Melinda Cunningham)
- 10. Zoom Coordinator (
- Policies and Procedures Manual (Kathy Jenkins)
- Librarian (Cynthia Benoit)
Old Business
- Cleaning up after class
- YouTube channel status?
- Request for team members/volunteers – and reminder: Constitution requires President to appoint people to fill positions if there are no volunteers!
- Field trips and Special Events
- Phone tree?
- Tri-fold fliers and current brochures
- Tee shirts
New Business
- Port St. Lucie Green Market
- Boca Farm
February 23, 2025 Minutes

St Lucie County Rock & Gem Club
Meeting Minutes February 23, 2025
La Buona Vita Club, 8601 S Federal Hwy., Port St. Lucie, FL 34952
Combined Executive Board & General Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order 2:09 pm.
Quorum was verified, so the meeting continued. Roll was taken and will be attached to permanent minutes.
Our previous Zoom coordinator, Diane Carroll has resigned. Jennifer Wilkes has offered to take over. (Thanks!) We were minus the camera today, but had sound. Several members joined us via Zoom.
January Minutes: The January minutes required changes on some costs of the upcoming building infrastructure projects. Roni Welton motioned to accept the January minutes based on making those corrections. Cynthia Benoit seconded the motion, which passed.
Membership: Kathy Jenkins, who serves as both communications and membership officer, reported that there are 81 paid members. Calls and emails have been sent to unpaid members. Club communications, including the newsletter, will no longer be provided to those former members after February.
“Bring a friend” will be key to our ongoing growth. We were reminded again that having a phone tree is important.
Volunteer Coordination: Volunteer Coordinators Melinda Cunningham and Caroline Bishop have been calling unpaid members and gathering information about why they have not renewed.
Treasurer: Wendy Mathisen reported the January revenue and expenses, which included our condominium fee, show deposit, and insurance. Members approved a budget adjustment for insurance and payment for CPA services. Kathy Jenkins moved to accept announced budget adjustments for insurance and for payment to the CPA. Roni Welton seconded, and the motion passed.
Show Report: Meri Jo was unable to attend the meeting because of a death in family. MoiraLynn conveyed Meri Jo’s intent to arrange monthly Zoom meetings for show volunteers. She is seeking members who will help with set-up and tear down, and who will share in other tasks at the show, such as ticket sales, membership table, and similar activities. If no one volunteers to coordinate the children’s corner, the area previously used will become a demonstration corner.
Terry Kaye added that Day Dreamer Uniforms (supplier of SLRG t-shirts) not only has submitted prices for bulk purchases but has expressed interest in becoming a sponsor for the show and club. She encouraged other members to think of other businesses that might wish to become sponsors.
SE Federation: MoiraLynn reminded us, on behalf of Meri Jo, that the SE Federation’s annual Rockhound Roundup takes place March 1st and 2nd.
Workshop: Scott Turner and Bob Hanson announced that the oxygen regulator has been replaced. There was some discussion that the regulator may not be working as well as expected and that alternative regulators should be considered. They also noted that Joe David is going to reseal the low table in the Workshop. The new surface will be waterproof, burn- and scratch-resistant, and offer other benefits.
Newsletter: The Rock Talk is now on new website. MoiraLynn requested that, if members see something is incorrect, they please call to have it corrected ASAP. If you have items for sale, stories of interest, suggestions for field trips or any information to share please contact Moira before the 10th of the month to get info included. Thank you Caroline Bishop for volunteering to be proofreader!
Website: Webmaster Wendy Mathisen announced new website is LIVE! It’s so beautiful, check it out! It is requiring a difficult learning curve for Wendy, with many hours invested. (Thank you!) Our current Club constitution (revised two years ago) is posted, along with class information, photos and lots of information. Please send Wendy videos of classes, projects, classes etc Show off your work and share your joy!
Policies and Pocedures Document: Policies and Procedures is work in progress, Kathy Jenkins requests a backup proofreader.
YouTube: Scott Turner exploring possible YouTube videos, particularly reviews of how to properly use our Workshop equipment.
Librarian: Cynthia Benoit is our new Librarian! She is researching free and inexpensive software packages thatwould make it easy for students and teachers to access information in our library. (Thanks!)
Holiday Party: After a brief discussion about possible caterers and their expense, Kathy Jenkins made a motion that our Holiday party be a potluck event, held at La Buona Vita – the same location and method as our 2024 event. Cynthia Benoit seconded the motion. Denise Baker has cleared the date of December 7th with the management at La Buona Vita. The motion passed.
MoiraLynn announced that she would like to have a quarterly meeting for board of directors added and posted to yearly calendar. This would be in addition to the regularly scheduled joint general/board meetings that take place on the fourth Sunday of the month. The meetings would be added to the calendar, but could be cancelled if the Board deemed them unnecessary. Terry Kaye made a motion in support of the schedule, and it was seconded by Bobbi Richards. The motion passed.
MoiraLynn also proposed formally scheduling a joint open house/meet-and-greet) and tailgating event to be held twice annually. One will be in the spring, between the second and third class sessions. The other will be in November, after the Show. Scott Turner made a motion in support, and Kathy Jenkins seconded it. The motion passed.
There was discussion about a possible parking lot/tailgate event with the neighboring Pottery Shop. We determined that it would be good to participate, and want the details. Cathy Thomas and Kathy Jenkins are taking point.
Bobbi Richards suggested we explore opportunities at the recently started Sunday market at the Event Center. We are seeking additional information. We would need volunteers to serve as ambassadors at our booth.
Ed Dedecker led discussion on on opportunities to share our club.
Roni Welton motioned that the meeting adjourn. Kathy Jenkins seconded. The motion passed.
Upcoming Art & Craft Shows Worth a Visit
Looking for a fun place to go for a pleasant afternoon, or, perhaps, a nice weekend? Consider these upcoming art and craft shows. Look these shows up on the internet to obtain additional details. Note: there are many more Florida shows happening this season. This is just a brief sample.
Show | Dates | Information |
66th Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival (This show is consistently voted one of the very best in the U.S. Voters include both vendors and attendees.) | March 21-23 | www.wpsaf.org |
28th Downtown Stuart Craft Festival | March 22, 23 | |
12th Uptown Art Expo, Altamonte Springs, FL | March 29, 30 | www.uptownartexpo.com |
Delray Affair, Delray Beach, FL | April 4-6 | Delrayaffair.com |
61st Old Florida Celebration of the Arts, Cedar Key, FL | April 5-6 | |
Port St, Lucie West at Tradition Square Craft Festival (still open for artist applications till April 2nd) | April 5-6 | |
21st St. Pete Beach Corey Area Craft Festival (still open for artist applications till April 9th) | April 12, 13 | |
28th Brownwood Paddock Square Craft Festival, The Villages, FL (still open for artist applications till April 16th) | April 19, 20 | |
Melbourne Art Festival, Wickham Park | April 26, 27 | Melbournearts.org |
St. Johns River Festival of the Arts, Sanford, FL | April 26, 27 |
Speacial Thanks!
Everyone in the St. Lucie County Rock & Gem Club is special, but every now and then folks work harder than might be expected, even in an all-volunteer organization such as ours. This is just a quick note recognizing extra efforts by some members that I have recently observed. In no particular order, but with appreciation to all:
- Joe David for applying the new, protective coating to the low table in the Workshop. It’s super shiny right now, but will end with a beautiful matte finish, waterproof, burn-resistant, and far less subject to marring in every way.
- Wendy Mathisen for enduring a genuinely difficult learning curve to become our webmaster.
- Jennifer Wilkes for stepping up to become our Zoom coordinator.
- Wendy (again) and Bob Hanson for installing our new toilet.
- Kathy Jenkins for agreeing to send out communications for me, so that I can concentrate on my roles as Club president and newsletter editor.
- Cynthia Benoit for offering to serve as our Librarian, already bringing ideas on how to make the information in our library easily accessible – and useful – to everyone.
- Scott Turner, Wendy Mathisen, and Terry Kaye (our other officers) for allowing and encouraging me to bounce ideas around with them, express my confusion, and acknowledge my blind spots, and for being highly supportive as I transition into my role as President. I could not do it without you.
If your name is not here and you have been pushing yourself unusually hard to benefit the Club, please touch base with me. I want to see your efforts recognized.

Our Members and Their Creations!
Come see our very own Jack Fisher present at our club meeting this Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
Jack makes highly detailed wax molds for casting. He sells the wax pieces for a single dollar each. Students have had great success using Jack’s wax molds in both of our Club casting classes. (Pictures 1 and 2)
From raw stone and molten silver to finished project: ring designed and made step-by-step by member and instructor Kathleen Schwartz. (Picture 3)
Wire weaving with beads in a joyous, multi-colored bracelet by member and instructor Denise Baker. (Picture 4)
Member Sue Buie’s beautiful silver jewelry can be seen March 22nd and 23rd at the Downtown Stuart Art & Craft Festival. (Picture 5)
2025 Calendar of Events
Class Schedule
Session 2 — March 17 to May 10
Session 3 — May 26 to July 19
Session 4 — August 18 to October 11
Session 5 — October 27 to December 20
Meeting Dates
March 23
April 27
May 25
June 22
July — No Meeting
August 24
September 28
October 26
November 23
December 7 — Holiday Party
Board-Specific Meetings (If Needed)
May 19
August 18
November 17
Meet & Greet Open House with Member Tailgating
June 14
November 16
SLC Rock & Gem Club Annual Show
October 18 & 19
Setup on October 17
September 15 is the deadline for Club members to request a table (contact Meri Jo Theobald for more info at [email protected]) |