SLCR&GC Annual Show Vendor Sales Contract

As a dealer, I agree to comply with the show rules set forth in this contract. Furthermore, I release, discharge, and hold harmless the owners and operators of the Midflorida Event Center and the St. Lucie County Rock & Gem Club, or the assignees of either of the above organizations from all liability, loss, or damage in connection with this show. Show dates are October 18-19, 2025. Full payment is required when using the online payment system.  Upon acceptance, you will receive confirmation of contract approval.

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Dealer Name
Do You Use Risers for Your Tables?
This information is important for us to know so you are provided tables of compatible height.
Dealer Signature
Typing your name in this field serves as your electronic signature and confirms you have read and understand this Show Contract, the attached Vendor Invitation Letter, and the attached Show Rules.